« Six years ago, at her last show in France, Denise Lioté gave voice to a universe of the imagination, inspired by nature although abstract in form. The shapes, the black outlines, had all emerged from in her fascination with the complex relationship of roots.
Since then, she has visited the United States several times, and there her painting became more pronounced, more violent, her polychromatic work denser, more aggressive.
Now back in France, her art has undergone a mutation. Her structures may still bear witness to the earlier twisted roots, but her palette is far less violent. Her gentler, simpler planes are now more open, breathier, inspired by a light-space continuum of great vibrancy. For Denise Lioté, by distancing herself from Nature, has passed on to a stage of painting whose internal relationships, both sensitive and solid, give to her work a life simultaneously poetic and mysterious. »
Henry Galy-Carles - About the exhibition - Galerie Christiane Colin - 1972