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Fragments of time/space continuum

Working notes (January 2001)

Glimmers captured as they pass, first glimpsed and then invisible.
Vibrations, distant and close, within us and around, melting into infinity.
Forming occasional trios or duos, each extending the other,

to describe a shimmering path between the discreet shadows.

Give a material presence to magnetic fusion, entrusting oneself to the flux and reflux,

together but never leaving the unpredictable movement of the light.

The airy, undefinable impression of a different universe, embracing life,

traversing life and perhaps illuminating it.

oeil clair.jpg

To abstract… another way

« To abstract (draw from…) inspired in me a feeling of both liberation and jubilation.

In my mind, abstraction corresponded at first to non-figuration based on natural elements

that continue to dominate but in a more internalized fashion; the reference to visual sensations 


Between the two major trends which have developed :

on the one hand, the constructivists who find expression i n elements their spirit gives birth to

and, on the other, the lyrical painters who give free rein to their vital impulses or to their poetic exuberance

(to which we should add tangible forms of expression drawn from matter itself),

I am seeking another path.

While wishing to combine rigour and poetry,

I also feel the need to hold firmly to a third dimension, to express true depth.

That is why, starting from the movement of light in aerial space, from the geometricalized planes of shifting colour, from the coloured transparencies that absorb them, I paint imaginary, allusive landscapes.

They breach walls (at least, I hope so) and offer the «observer» the possibility

of travelling within himself or elsewhere, as he wishes.»

Denise Lioté, 1991

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