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Denise Lioté "Landscapist of the unknown spaces" (extract)

« Denise Lioté embodies the necessity, the urgency of finding a new reality other than than that of the easy-going unidimensional man who takes life as it comes. Reality within reach of all, even if it is difficult to perceive, found by the artist far beyond the good, the bad, all the values, in the expression of these light waves, holes, flights, sheets of water , extended without wire or slatted  


Mirages ... dazzling ...? The limpid realities surrounded by an aura of mystery that the imperfect vision of a man cannot perceive and which thus create a distance between them. It's not the refusal of the world the artist is painting here, it's Man freed from himself who knows neither time nor death.


Before symbolizing the renaissance of Man in another world, he light Lioté paints signals the rebirth of life and of the day, a skylight to illuminate our environment and make it bearable.»


                                                                                                                                           Alain Pizerra, l’Oeil du Griffon, (The Eye of the Griffin) 1991.

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